Harmonizing connection
within and without

Coaching & Guidance

Regular, scheduled clinical consultations throughout your/your child’s listening training program to ensure you feel supported every step of the way.

Home-Based Program

Enjoy a listening training program completed within the comfort of your own home using our portable home-listening training device, the LiFT (Listening Fitness Trainer).

Individualized, Custom Sound Program

Have peace of mind knowing your/your child’s Sound Program is completely customized to your unique needs and goals, as defined in the assessment.

What is Listening Training?

The listening function is the first modality to develop in utero, forming primary connections with the developing brain. It provides the neurophysiological foundation for communication and learning by integrating and relaying sensory information from within and outside our bodies. The listening function is the active skill that helps children make sense of their inner and outer worlds. When functioning properly, it allows the child to be present and attend to the information they need and leave out the unnecessary or unwelcome “noise”. The listening function helps the child sort and organize this information into meaningful messages. When automatic and effortless, it is an essential component in the child’s spontaneous engagement and motivation.

"Listening may be our most fundamental communication and learning skill, yet it is perhaps the most commonly neglected one."

Paul Madaule, director of The Listening Centre, author of When Listening Comes Alive

Our History

This approach is based on the work of Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a French physician, ear, nose and throat specialist and developer of a therapeutic method that he named ‘Audio-Psycho-Phonologie’, better known now as Listening Training or Tomatis Method. Tomatis found that receptive and expressive communication, attention span, learning ability, social behavior, self-regulation, activity level, motor function and coordination are all related to ability to listen. He made a major distinction between hearing and listening. While hearing is the passive, involuntary function of sound perception, listening is active and voluntary.

Interested in Getting Started?